Silvia Maldini

Silvia Maldini

Visual Artist. Teacher. Researcher. From Buenos Aires.
Master's Degree in Theater and Performing Arts, National University of the Arts. Graduate in Visual Arts, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
National Drawing Teacher, Manuel Belgrano National School of Fine Arts. 
I trained in painting with the teacher Luis Felipe Noé and extra academic studies in various artistic disciplines and technology.
Currently I am a professor at the National University of the Arts, and I teach courses at Celcit, Arte Viceversa and ArteViva studio.
At the beginning of my artistic career I was a painter and at present my projects include the performing arts, the visual arts and technology.

As an artist, I am concerned about how art can coexist with the collective consciousness around the problems of the Anthropocene, as an alternative and inspiring model of coexistence in the middle of the ecosystem collapse.

1, 2, 3 and many (NAT Art Residence - 03/2022)

I arrived in Cantabria like someone seeing everything for the first time. And yet it is not. Because it is the land of my maternal grandmother, of my ancestors. I walked the impressive natural landscapes with the utmost respect and love, with all my senses wide open.

In the caves I learned about another concept of time and quantity… 1, 2, 3 and many… This is how it was counted in the Paleolithic. No more was needed.

My virgin gaze on the ancestral territory, hybridized with the Paleolithic rock art of the caves, with the birds of Cantabria and with what I was wearing from the big city.

The video performance “1, 2, 3 and many”, an intimate story stripped of these imaginary landscapes in which time is another, is continuous and contains all times.

Life on earth and memories of the origin. Everything is condensed in these landscapes.

These videos are disegned to be viewed simultaneously. Please press play on all together.

Text in the video

Counting time. 1, 2, 3 and many.

Counting over and over again: 1,2,3 and many. There is no need of any more.

Day over day walking. Free to start a life.

The freedom of the walker and the aroad.

The eyes that see trough far away.

The closed eyes. The outside is a mass made of sea, rock, wind an wood.

Shapes being shaped.

With the eyes open find maps and symbols that are carved on the rocks. Mistaking rocks with mountains in the rocks that are shaped as mountains. Stone rivers mixing with the sea. Matter is one. The same in everything.

With the eyes closed the images swirl as a whirlwind around me. The seas, the caves, the forests and the skies. Images of many lives. Everyhing is here. I don't know if there is a hereafter. Time is other, continuous and contains all the times.

The earth is.

Landscapes of many lives: wood that the sea carries and brings.

Stones pierced and sharpened by the wind, 

moss rugs,

ivy covered tree trunks,

the water force,

the sound of 1,2,3 and many birds.

To Be Wild (Traces - 03/2021)

We live in cities.

We inhabit a world that takes for granted the urbanization of all the consciences that inhabit it, far from our natural and wild instincts.

This experience was born as another way of approaching the theme of nature in the city, from a less rational, more profound and essential place.

In a pandemic we live immersed in videoconferences and video chats. The network broadcasts videos, images, and advertisements without pause.

In the midst of all visual invasion, arises the idea of making a work in a different sensitive language, a work for the ears.

Leave the images for a while to contemplate, meditate, let your imagination and senses fly. It is about listening and letting yourself be carried away by the story.

Transporting oneself to our interior to connect with the wild that inhabits each one of us.

To Be Wild is a sound installation that invites you to experience by connecting with wild nature through a cat.

During a short period of time you can enjoy the experience of connecting with nature through a sound story.

In twilight, in a space with cushions, sit, lie down and listen to a story that transports us to the wild that lives inside us.

It is an intimate ritual moment.

To carry out the experience in each one's own space, follow the  instructions:

  • Find a place in the shadows, comfortable, intimate.
  • Lie down on pillows or cushions on the floor.
  • Flavor with incense or natural oils
  • Listen to the story provided in an mp3 file and let yourself be carried away until you connect with the wild that inhabits you.
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