Laura Portigliatti

Laura Portigliatti

City of Brinkmann, Cordoba, Argentina, 1968.

She studies piano, drawing, and folklore during her childhood, until she finds the path through the visual arts, a profession she upholds through commitment throughout the years.

During her upbringing she encounters philosophy and writing, which will birth a close relationship between language and image.

Her job turns towards human problematics, the presence of the figure and even its absence, always indicating the plot of the universe it surrounds, the complexity of thought, the sharpness of the emotion and the hollowness.

Her process is transferential, is part of a journey through a path of constant search. She defines herself as “walking painter, of feet that think as they move along”.

She displayed her work both individually and collectively, she participated in galleries and workshops. Traces of her work are owned by private collectors, both domestic and foreign. 

Maternity (Traces - 07/2023)

MATERNITY is not a biological matter, is an internal one.

We do it by the impulse of having been children and also with the lack of it.

We embrace the deepest of our interior with passion and sovereignty.

But we don’t do it just with our arms.

We embrace it with our legs, teeth, sight, with the strengh of our muscles and all of our wisdom.

When the object of our love is threatened, the world breaks.

The roar is deafening, stoically we fight. Against anyone, in every single way.

Even then, sometimes, is not enough.

The pain pierces us, the vulnerability penetrates us.

The inconsistency of the unthinkable is present to provoke the darkest shortness of gasping.

And if we make it, if we get to fight the storm, we will never be able to gather all the pieces.

A part of us will continue wondering, cradling forever the guard and forget.

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