Elena Gil

Elena Gil

With an enormous artistic vocation, Elena Gil explores various plastic techniques to generate her own visual experiences. Try infinitely many times, play and let himself be carried away by the matter, generating transpositions of his works on different media. In his works, a singular style emerges that is rooted in his studies on human symbolism, and his personal interest in the synchronic correlation between cosmic processes and cultural events. Elena began her art studies in the Uruguayan artist Anna Rank's studio in 2008, where she delved into line, shape and color. In 2010 he explored engraving techniques with Graciela Aberasturi and Ernesto Pesce. Likewise, he conducts workshops at AAMNBA with Liliana Fleurquin, Ernesto Pesce and sculpture workshops with Professor Gustavo Ibarra. He participates in numerous group exhibitions, among which the following stand out: Anna Rank Workshop (from 2008 to 2016), Engraving Collectives (2012 to 2014), “Umbrellas for Peace”, Petrosino Square, Soho, and Bandshell of Central Park, New York, USA, by the artist Anna Rank in 2013, "Umbrellas for Peace", Night of the Museums, Patricios Park Temple (2015), Installation "El Rezo" by the artist Mónica Camin in the Políglota de Ace room, Residence for artists and Monmouth Museum, New Yersey, USA (2017).

The Path (NAT Art Residence - 06/2023)

Like an archeology of my own subjectivity, this project delves into the depths of my emotions using the sensory perception of matter as the main tool to discover in aesthetic and poetic terms my own ontology of life.

The installation “Healing the wounds” was made in the garden of the residence, a valley between gentle hills, surrounded by the magical presence of its human and non-human inhabitants.

It deals with the relationship between a neighboring walnut tree and a plum tree that connect metaphorically through cotton threads and establish an intimate relationship. The plum tree is sick, and the oak tree is overflowing with vitality and energy.

Like a kind of healing thread, the ropes that unite them lavish emotions; represented by various objects found along the way and that, as a sacred ritual, honor the ancestral memory of the Earth.

The way

(Poem in the video)


I traveled paths.

without any destination.

I picked up emotions.

Memories, moments,

that became flesh

in these objects.


I discovered in their forms

so many fantasies.

I wanted to treasure them

 in living memory.

Tie them very tightly,

fear of oblivion.


Evoke memories,

pain, joys.

Lived stories.

floating in the air

They become words

that inhabit my body.


jumping in puddles

in my pranks.

listening to stories

told without haste.

Taking a nap

golden in summer.


Playing in the yard or

chatting calmly.

Dancing, laughing and

always singing...

Looking into the distance

I felt you with me.


I honor your memory,

in sacred ritual

healing this wound.

Click on the images for full view

El Alma del Mundo (The Soul of the World) (Traces - 03/2021)

The Universe has a soul, feels, thinks and exists in every tiny particle.

I register that richness in the sound of the wind, and the murmur of the sea, sheltered from the sun and in the intimate moonless nights, feeling honor, reverence and love.

That inexplicable magic, absolute symphony, is what I transmit and represent with these images. With an alphabet of lines, colors, shapes and fantasy, I translate the words I hear in this Universe ...

And with his best smile,

he was revealed in my dreams,

and he showed me the Universe

in a different way.

I did not see it with the eyes,

but with the whole soul.


He told me with complicity.

And I understood that there was

neither  duality nor sadness,


Click on the images for full view

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