Amalia Perez Molek

Amalia Perez Molek

Visual Artist and Curator.

She was born in -Buenos Aires, Argentina and studied at: Fernando Fader and Ernesto de la Cárcova Schools, Argentina. 1983-1987: Scholarship in Engraving and Painting, Ljubljana - Slovenia BA Academy.

She has participated in   individual exhibitions since 1974 in Argentina, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Uruguay, Croatia, Spain and Japan, among others and, since 1984, in International and National   Biennial of Graphic Arts Festivals .

She carried out the curation of “Sábanas al Viento” (Sheets in the Wind) with Juan Carlos Romero , 2004- 2005-2006 Editions

Among the awards she has received is  5th prize : “Máximo Ramos “ Engraving, El Ferrol, Spain . 1987

She is currently developing the Fragile Project – Krhko ( The Fragility of  Bees and the fragility of humanity on the planet) presented in 2019 in the cities of Cerrito and Paraná, Entre Ríos , Argentina . Dobrovo, Eslovenia.

She lives and works in Buenos Aires.

Prayer to the Earth (Traces - 04/2021)

This project originates from my experience in Art. Nature is always present in my life and in my work.


I decided to ask myself : What moves me nowadays?

I am moved by

Awakening each day, the transition from darkness to light in a ritual of detachment from the cavern.

I am moved by the awakening of all living beings, observing birds flying and listening to their sounds.

I am moved by the transformations marked by seasons. I am moved by different shades of green, which leave their intense colour behind in order to transmute into yellows, reds and earth tones when I contemplate the trees nearby.

I am moved by the fruit in the trees in this almost lethargic summer.

I am moved when observing the intense red of the small spheres which shine intensely like pearls with the first rays of the sun.

The white flowers which nourished the first flights of the bees are left behind. Now these red clusters encourage us to thread each of those beads into a ceremonial necklace, for the parting of summer.

These small pearls invite me to pick them and taste them. This action takes me back to the times of the hunter- gatherer, or when I was a girl climbing to the highest branches of the trees to pick their fruit.

I have always felt a union with them, I like to hug them and tell them about the happiness I feel when seeing and touching them. Feeling that their bark resembles the skin on my hands, more veiny and rough these days.

I return to the red pearls of my imaginary necklace, understanding that in them I have found the origin of the dot, the circle and the square in a plane...but they whisper very softly , we are spheres , yes, like the Earth in Space, and in that Space a great sphere which spins and spins, without many living beings seeing and understanding that life originated in that small dot. 

Today I discover in that small sphere of this tiny fruit that cycles continue, and I smile with great joy. 

Amulet to give thanks to the Earth

Material: branches of Anacahuita

(The tree of reference: Anacahuita (Blepharocalyx salicifolius). It is found in the mespopotamian region of Argentina.Its healing properties are: cough suppressant, expectorant, antiseptic.) 

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