Silvia Libkind

Silvia Libkind 

Visual Artist.

I began my journey a little out of curiosity and also responding to an internal call.

I began this path in 2011 with the help of the artist Cora Mayer with whom I explored and investigated different techniques. I really enjoy working with watercolor and collage.

During the pandemic I began to inquire into the artist's book and paper cutt techniques.

In March 2022 I started in Centro de Edicion, directed by Natalia Giachetta and began working with lithography. Here I found another great passion.

I incorporate everything I learned in these various techniques into my works.

I have participated in different group exhibitions in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia.

Also, in 2022 participate in the “Miradas” Exhibition at the Fernando Velarde Culture House, Suances, Spain.

This year I was part of the “Ancestros” Exhibition at Nat art Space and the “Miradas” Exhibition at the Doctor Madrazo Cultural Center, both in Cantabria, Spain. I remain an apprentice in this exciting and healing path of art.

Living Encounter (Ancestors 2023 - 03/2023)

This work is a tribute to the memory of my father, from him I learned the love of nature and birds.

I have experienced the scene I performed in this work as a child and as a woman as well. When I started this project I thought of a torn fabric, when working on the idea with Andrea Juan I realized that the fabric was not broken, the memory of my father lived on in my heart.

That's where the title comes from, “Living Encounter.”

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