Pompi Caputo

Pompi Caputo

I was born in the city of Buenos Aires in 1958. I am a biologist and visual artist. Mystical traveller. In my work I am modelling the encounter between Nature-Art-Science.

Nature is a complex system, especially the bond with the human being, where the natural and the social establish contact frontiers in which situations of enormous wealth and complexity occur. I approach in different ways, at different times, today through art I continue to explore about uncertainty, networks, times and spaces, balances and imbalances, what remains, what is transformed, exploring about us, about me.

During the last years my work circulated in Expoarte Photography 2019, Museum of the Rómulo Raggio Foundation; VII ArtexArte Biennial Prize 2019; Art and Sustainability-Edition VI, Praxis, 2019; 105th edition of the National Salon of Visual Arts 2016; Visual arts 2016 of the French Alliance and in the Festival of Light 2016 and 2014. I published “Tiempos de Arena”, author's book, La Luminosa, September 2018.

The Thin Blue Line (Traces - 04/2021)

Transformation of the landscape, of me.

Moments that happen to me, they are stitched together, they continue.

Spiral of life that finds me. Silhouettes that leave or enter, appear out of nowhere and disappear.

Interstices, bridges in time.

60 years, an instant.

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