Monique Baques

Monique Baqués

Monique Baqués, a visual artist born in Argentina and currently based in Brisbane, employs the language of color to convey profound emotions, depict her world, and narrate meaningful tales. Her artistic practice revolves around the medium of collage and oil on canvas, delving into the interplay of colors, shapes, and spaces.

Monique holds a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the National School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredón in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Following her marriage at the age of 25, she relocated to Chile, where she pursued a postgraduate degree in Arts Management at the University of Chile. Throughout her life's journey, she has ventured to France, The Netherlands, and Malaysia, immersing herself in diverse multicultural encounters that have enriched her creative pursuits. In 2012, Monique and her three young children settled in Australia.

With a wide range of exhibitions across Argentina, Europe, Asia, and Australia, Monique Baqués has garnered a global following of collectors who appreciate her work. She earned recognition for winning the Oxfam design competition for their 2004 postcards in The Hague, represented Argentina at the esteemed Art Expo Malaysia 2010, and more recently, was selected by the Brisbane City Council to showcase her captivating collections, Abstract Journey and Paraíso, at their City Square.

Layers (NAT Art Residence - 05/2023)

I am the enigmatic, undiscovered cave,

Shrouded in layers, a mysterious enclave.

I ponder with intrigue, what secrets lie within,

What wondrous treasures does this cavern hold?

Layer after layer, I covered the pain, encapsulating it in masks. Deeper and stronger each time. I convinced myself it was only for protection. But my soul fell asleep. I silenced my feelings, and gradually sank into a deep loneliness. Another layer, another mask. I hided traumas, I concealed fears. Trapped and bewildered, I continued. I disappeared, I could no longer see myself. I was invisible. So many years and too many layers. I took a deep breath. I gathered my courage and started slowly. With nervousness, I began removing the masks one by one. The pain rose to the surface. My hands trembled. 

I freed myself. And I breathed again, but this time with an immense feeling of freedom.

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