Marina Btesh

Marina Btesh

Artist, teacher, psychologist, experimenter. She worked with glass, stones, vegetation, textile and plastic scraps.Workshops with C.Herzberg (glass), E. Madanes (contemporay sculptue) B. Teglio (textil), M. Cvik (embroidery) M.Efron (photography)

Theory: EPAC en ArtexArte y MdR, grupo de proyectos. Seminaries with F. Barreda, M. Jiménez y Alicia Romero y Bordes at UNA.

Solo shows: A. Francesa, D Alighieri, Mining Museum and J Hernández Museum

Colective shows in Argentina: Escarlata, Dacil Galeria de Arte y C. Pestalozzi. Salones:  en el Museo Sívori, J. Hernandez, Palais de Glace WTA, CAAT, CIART, SAAP, MUMBAT M.M de Arte Santa Rosa y en el M M Puerto Madryn.

Abroad: Italia, Méjico, Gran Bretaña, Canadá, Uruguay y Brasil. Art Residencies: Canadá ,Spain and Brasil.

Site specific: MONTEVIDEO Add ( VII Bienal WTA), “Paradoja de los Sentidos” at Ojo Errante and “Naturaleza Artificial” at the J.Hernández Museum, “Ronda Elemental” at Avellaneda Park and trees at Caballito neighborhood.

“Ausentadas”  action against women violence in Caba, Bs As, Paraná y Tandil. Book Edition

Won 6 premios y 4 menciones. Lives and works in Buenos Aires.

My Body without Me (Traces - 03/2021)

In the beginning a broken leg

The Body as territory, the soul, the threshold

Weakness, fatigue, exhaustion.

My body without me. Emptiness without words         

Scars in my body… and in my soul?

Healing at the end

The Color of Invisible Things (Art in the Origin - 2018)

What do I do with polyester in a natural environment?
Integrate, mimic until it gets invisible?
Invisible: cannot be seen, but it exists.
What do we see when we look?
Usually, we see what we need, what we become aware. Occasionally, we get surprised, we find the unexpected, models that alternate, come and go.
That’s my game between the visible and invisible and visualize again. Each landscape suggests something different. I undergo, and when I realize, I start playing.
I choose Photography because time is suspended, space is focused. The gaze rests, intensifies, identifies, and finally sees. Sees what remained invisible.

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