Maria Sauzet

Maria Sauzet

María Sauzet, Italian-Argentine artist. Buenos Aires 1962.

She studied photography at the Argentine School of Photography and held seminars on different disciplines (painting, photoengraving, pinhole photography and cyanotype, collage workshops, paper engineering, artist's book, engraving and lithography).

She participates in the art groups Almas en Papel¨ and Libro, papel y tijera, in which paper stands out as a support.

She began her studies in Theater Arts at the University of Salvador, where she combined the making of masks, painting, architecture, costumes and setting.

Works exhibited in America, Asia and Europe,

She has participated in museums and art fairs in the US, Japan, Spain, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Italy.

She has received the First Prize of the Salón XXI of plastic artists of San Isidro. First prize acquisition IES Diego Tortosa, 2022, in Cieza, Murcia. Mention in photography at the University of Salvador, city of Pilar.

She lives in Spain from 2021.

Small trifling details (Traces- 06/2023)

And these are my hands, which had to choose the memories of the house that we left behind.

And these are also some of the small objects held by them.

Small trivial details are not only the little that we brought but also the enormous within the little, because it is everything.

Small boxes of trifling details

My soul is a secret, you already know.

She was buried in the far garden. A part. The other flourishes among the vineyards. One thing does not remove the other.

Drop everything and start from scratch.

Not from scratch, I tell myself. From scratch is not the same. From scratch is for those who lost everything.

I brought everyone with me. And some (few) things, that little by little I am revealing.

Very little by little.

Dig into memory, that's fine. One and a thousand times. But calmly.

I don't want to root. Remember when I asked you how long you thought I should wait? I'm ready to keep walking.

I will go where the breeze takes me, with my little boxes of trivial details.

Soul II

(Text in Audio)

Do not bare its soul who wants but who can.

Absurd is to say that it is easy.

Is it easy to have your feet on the ground and your heart everywhere?

You know me. If I want to look for your shelter, you'll be there, even if I have to leave.

Soul III

(Text in Audio)

And there were the ashes,

as proof of existence.

Ah… but do you need to check life, death and waiting?

That's not for me, I've waited so long


Neither in the river nor on the earth: in my soul.

Soul IV

(Text in Audio)

You look sad, he told me.

No, I am happy.

Why shouldn't it be?

Look at that flower, it's sweet and happy.

Isn't happiness in the little things?

I can see far away but also up close.

That is my gift.

Soul V

(Text in Audio)

Listen….That's my voice.

 I only hear the silence...

Silence is a scream

But what are you saying?

I have never heard silence...

Silence is beautiful, it is the place where souls live.


Small trifling details is the result of a wonderful project with an open heart, proposed by Andrea and Gabriel for Traces seminar.

During these meetings we work from the soul, and we manage to delve not only into our most intimate feelings and thoughts, but also into those of our fellow artists.

It was a great team of 7. We saw each other grow and we saw each other achieve it.

We have given birth to our drawings, photographs, audios, illustrations, poetry, and textiles in a magical way, with effort, with pain, but also with joy and incomparable enthusiasm.

In these photos are my great trifles, at least part of them.

And in my writings you can read my Soul, and even if I don't want to show it, there it is.

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