Marcela Garcia

Marcela García

I was born on April 17, 1961, in the city of Allen, Province of Río Negro, Argentine Republic.

I trained at the IUPA (Instituto Universitario Patagónico de las Artes) - Visual Arts focusing on engraving.

I have been teaching visual arts from 1981 to date.

As for the Artistic journey, I must say that it is recent. In 2018 I held a group show at Juan Sánchez Museum; in 2019 “Art in the Origin” collective show, at Oda Gallery in Bs.As and  International Mini Print Cantabria -III Edition in 2020.

I would love to be a color (Traces - 11/2022)

I would love to be a color

To dye my sorrows

for what was not


To which I do not encourage.

I would love to be a color


vibrate like freedom.

I would love to be a color

to cover my heart with love

I would love to be a color,

To paint my life of courage and valour

I would love to be a color


scream with all my being

I cannot anymore.


I'd love to!...

I'd love to!

I'd love to!

be a color


bloom again.

I'd love to!...

I'd love to!

I'd love to!

be a color.

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I want to keep you (Traces - 04/2021)

Nature is my refuge, plants my origin

In it I take refuge, I contemplate the buds, the flowering, the leaves, the time….

I immerse myself in the colors, the transparencies, the ribs, and the song of the branches.

It is March, the crack of the green helmet, the minty aroma and the maternal quality of it, announce the expulsion of the walnut fruit.

Leafy, beautiful, delicate and generous in its nutrients the pear tree.

With green, rough leaves and deep reliefs, the fig tree is creation.

They are there, in front of me, witnessing an age of increasing acceleration. My eyes fill with tears, I want to scream! deep breath…. I can only register that moment and retain it, as does the fragile stamp in its embossing of paper.

I let myself be seen (Art in the Origin - 2019)

The sound, the air, the earth, the cliff and the perfume of the moments are my origin.
It is the encounter with my being small, young, adult, with my fears and my values.
Today I discovered a sensitive, fearful, risky, insufficient being able to live all emotions in an instant.
Today is me, with all that I am!
Welcome to life.
I like what I am.

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