Laura San Martín

Laura San Martín

Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She is an architect and photographer.

She has participated in numerous exhibitions both individual and collective.

In 2015 she created OdA Art Offices, art gallery that she currently directs and from where she promotes different cultural activities. Among them the call and exhibition of Art at the Origin, seminar directed by the artist Andrea Juan & Gabriel Penedo, in Cantabria, Spain, as well as the 3.2.1 project aimed at artists in training with mentoring of the artist Eduardo Stupía.

She has been a portfolio reviewer at the Festival of Light in Buenos Aires and has also been a jury of the 1st photo contest organized by the Ministry of Culture of San Isidro in 2016.

She is currently studying Curatorial and Art Management at Eseade University

Donde habito (Where I Live) (Art in the Origin - 2017)

On the move and in constant change I live in this limited world.
As in the allegory of the cavern, my shadow proyects and acompanies, but only for a moment.
I fight and accept, move and stop, I look and I go blind. I contemplate.
I happen in this magic instance that is life without caring what will befall tomorrow.
In this dual world, within me, here, where I trully live. 

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