Laura Gonzalez

Laura Gonzalez

I was born in Argentina, live and work in Buenos Aires. I graduated from Prilidiano Pueyrredón National Art School, as an engraving teacher.

Alfredo De Vicenzo, Matilde Marín and Andrea Juan were my master’s degree teachers.

I express myself through non-toxic engraving technique, photography, videos and site specific.

My work is developed on three pillars: Nature, Body and Inwardness, their interactions and constructions.

During my childhood the chance of living in different habitats (Puna, Cordillera and Argentinian Patagonia) allowed me to forge a very intense and contemplative relation with nature.

Many questions emerge from these encounters, installed in my every piece of work, allowing me to rediscover the interaction between the environment and the human transcendence.

My goal is to understand and express uncertainty, duality, limits and intrusion.

The incorporation of mankind and its spiritual dimension as the administrator of natural resources.

The voice of the Word (The Way - 03/2024)

I search the words, I separate them and they dislocate,

but they fly and come together again.

They do not obey. They interwine.

As a net it does not divide, it envelops, it makes sense.

It repeats and repeats, it grows.

It runs through me, illuminating holes and corners. It laughs and sings, it regenerates.

ImustIcanIwant ImustIcanIwant ImustIcanIwant

It is written like this, all together.




These are my I must, my I can, my I want.

I shed light and created a lifeline.

ImustIcanIwant to…Be

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Free Legacies (Traces 02-2023)

I carried you here.

It wasn´t enough.


I lifted you high,

Very high.


And, let you down…

Now, I want to dance.

Click on images for full view

Up to here (Art in the Origin - 2019)

I plunge my light being into your matter.
I set the limit.
And, from there, I emerge as a new being.

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