Judith Elisabeth de Haan

Judith Elisabeth de Haan

Judith Elisabeth de Haan lives in the beautiful Hardangerfjord region of Norway. Her specialisation is woodcut. But she also works with sculpture, mainly in landscape projects.

She studied at the Academy of Arts (AKI) in Enschede, the Netherlands.

In 2015 she was invited to take part in “the advanced program 2015” of MI-LAB, the Mokuhanga Innovation Lab, Lake Kawaguchi Artist-in-Residence in Japan. Since this workshop she is using both the Japanese (water-based on Japanese paper with a baren) and the Western (oil-based on European paper with a press) woodcut technique.

International juried print exhibitions:

2021 “Double Vision”, IPEP India

2018 "International Print Biennial", Cacak, Serbia

2018/2021 “Poetic Landscape” part I and II with Hoi I Cheong (Macao) at IMPACT 10, Santander, Spain and IMPACT 11, Hong Kong

2017 “Beauty of Mokuhanga: Discipline & Sensibility”, The Art Gallery at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA

2014 “International Mokuhanga exhibition 2014”, Tokyo University of Arts, Japan.

In the garden (Traces - 04/2021)

Sound recording and Stop Motion Animation

When I went outside my house to get inspiration for this project I was struck by the beautiful sounds of the birds in my garden. They make in a way their own little place with their sounds. And I wanted to shape these feeling from being outside in a work.

Not knowing what it would be … I started with recording all the singing of different birds in my garden. I tried also to get the sounds from other birds that I can hear from my garden, but are in different trees in the neighborhood. I heard these recordings and decided together with the help of Andrea and Gabriel to make something out of these recordings with an audio editing program. That resulted in a one minute sound recording. 


For a long time I was thinking about trying the scanner for a Stop Motion Video. The meaning of the project was to use materials that you never used before. The only thing that I could find was a sewing kit with very thin thread. So I tried on the scanner if the threads would be visible, not really believing that it would work. I really liked the image that the thin threads under the scanner gave. And so did Andrea and Gabriel..


When I started finally with the images for the stop motion animation under the scanner.. I could only think of the beaks of the birds moving while they sing. So I tried to make beaks of the birds from the very thin threads. Nothing more, nothing less. When you hear the birds singing it is always difficult to find the specific bird that is singing. Usually you don’t see the bird. They are hidden in trees or bushes. You don’t know what kind of bird it is. And that suits very well to the sound recording that I made. I made about 6 fictive bird sounds with combining different tones.


I called the whole project «In the garden».

When I see the beaks on the stop motion and hear the sounds… I can imagine all the grasses, flowers, bushes and trees around. Can You too?

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