Giulia Leonelli

Giulia Leonelli

Artist - PhD degree in Visual Arts and Printmaking Instructor - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Giulia Leonelli is a French/Italian artist who holds a doctorate degree in Visual Arts from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where she teaches as a printmaking instructor.

After a BFA in Fine Arts at Rome University of Fine Arts, she enrolled at Sorbonne University in Paris in 2009.

In 2012, she was chosen as a recipient for the French/American “Young Talents” award, for which she was selected to attend the MFA Studio Art Program at New York University.

Her work is oriented toward a pictorial approach of printmaking, led by a musical aspiration and a poetic intent.

Her doctoral thesis Entendre le pictural discusses the temporal understanding of an artwork by experiencing its unfolding as space and time, and the implications of Rhythm and Sensation as philosophical attributes of art.

Her work has been shown in several exhibitions in Italy, France, Spain, Denmark, UK and the United States. 

Componer con la Vida (NAT Art Residence - The Instant of the Creation - 06/2023)

Nature awakes

a sense of awareness

toward life,

toward aliveness,

being light as well as shadow.

Toward time itself

that is everywhere

that is nowhere to be seen.


Nature directs us

to "compose with"(*) life

in order to embrace

all sort of loss

all sort of fear

we have to get through.

In order to receive

all the joy,

all the beauty

we are able to disclose

and give back.


Composing with my body

as a vehicle

I've tried to flow with the river

up to the tips of my fingers.

I had to walk every single day

to the point of the cliff

just to encounter my fear

out of desire.


And I gave back all of this

to the paper,

where my journey on Earth

finds its best achievement.


Now I know

that even the stones can dance.

(*) From the French expression "composer avec": Face / deal with

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Componer con la Vida


Invocación de la vida (Invocation of life)

Text in Video

Invocation of Life

(Original text in Spanish)

Invocation of life

leads to the other necessity

where time rests

in the high depth

of an inverted sky.


A bright night river

that flows

in the shadow of the day.


The way of forever

is the first hour of infinity

that here begins.

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