Floki Gauvry

Floki Gauvry

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on January 30th 1951, Floki Gauvry attends the School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires and then L'Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Afterwards, several workshops on painting (Jesus Marcos), drawing and printmaking (Bernardo Di Vruno), lithography (Centro de Edición) and art seminars. 

From 1985, Floki Gauvry works mainly on printmaking. Her main subject is the vital energy and its connection with the consciousness. She develops her topics of interest through series which represent an internal research.  

After some years of working on digital prints, on 2019 Floki returns to manual printmaking developing Photo-Intaglio techniques and using her photographs. 

On 2011, she opened her own art space, El Loft taller espacio de arte, in Buenos Aires. 

Till now, she made more than 40 solo shows and participates in many group exhibitions, national and international competitions.

Quantum leap (Ancestors 2023 - 03/2023)

During the Paleolithic age there is a quantum leap in the evolution of the Earth and homo sapiens appears.

This new species, endowed with a divine spark and inspiration, develops from the caves the precious seed of art for thousands of years to the present.

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